Sunday, December 7, 2008

Our Presentation

Robin was the main presenter on Friday re the Te Reo Project.
There were 25 attendees from tertiary to schooling and one New Zealander Mark Brown form Massey Uni.
The presentation went really well and there were plenty of questions especially from schools with Aboriginal children about the thinking behind full immersion schools.
I presented the work around the VLN and how it could be a vehicle for coordination, brokerage, information etc for New Zealand schools in giving an environment for the where to from here after the ICT skills etc are developing in schools and the scaling of the expertise.

I think it was very useful in developing thinking in Australia about the coordination and logical movement from skills to moving work outside of the classroom walls.

After the presentation we were invited to a meeting at the Innovation Centre where we talked about some work going on around the Ronald MacDonald houses and the roll out of Video conferencing and Electronic boards across NSW.

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